Family Law
Northlaw has broad experience in Family Law matters and issues.
David Roughan believes that it is important that people understand their rights and duties as they apply to their family relationships and children.
David’s practice is focussed on property matters, but he has many contacts to assist in areas of Family Law which require further specialisation, especially regarding matters of Child Care and Contact (formerly understood as matters of “Custody”), Domestic Violence, Guardianship and Adoption.
David can help directly in any of the following areas:
- Relationship Property (which includes what was originally only “Matrimonial Property”) issues and settlements.
- “Contracting out” agreements, under which identified property can be agreed by the parties to be “Separate Property”, and not be caught by the provisions of the Property (Relationships) Act, under which property is commonly deemed to be owned in equal shares between partners or spouses.
- Marriage dissolution (what used to be known as “Divorce”).
- Claims against the provisions of a Will, or Letters of Administration (in the case of an intestacy where there is no Will) under the Family Protection Act.
- Claims by an aggrieved person promised a share of the estate by the deceased before death where provision wasn’t made, or wasn’t made to the expectation of the promised party, in the Will (Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act).
Contact David now