David Roughan LLB Notary Public

Do you want a lawyer who has Experience, Expertise and who Cares?

Then David is your man.


David was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in the High Court in Wellington on 20 December 1972.

Significant events of that year included the election of Norman Kirk as the 29th Prime Minister of New Zealand.

It also marked the passing of a New Zealand literary icon, James K Baxter.

David’s lifetime in the law, has included three years with Public Trust in Wellington and Whanganui and 12 years with (what was then) Connell Lamb Gerard & Co in Whangarei. He established Northlaw in 1987.

You might remember that year for the re-election of the Lange government, the destructive Edgecumbe earthquake and the passing of New Zealand’s Nuclear Free legislation.

This background puts David’s clients at ease knowing that there are few if any situations he hasn’t already seen many times before and knows what’s required to get things right for them.

Caring expertise

David’s time at Public Trust created a great platform for his Property Law and Will drafting expertise.

In particular he has been involved in the administration of many estates in the context of the wide range of possible permutations around family property matters.

But being a Wills expert and Property Law specialist are not the only strings to David’s bow. Contribution to the community and his profession are part of who he is.

He has tutored Commercial law at the Northland Polytechnic, as it was then (now NorthTec – Tai Tokerau Wananga) and run seminars on Family Trusts and Real Estate matters.

Property Law Specialist

David’s experience and expertise as a Property Lawyer is reflected in his membership of the New Zealand Law Society Property Law Section as a foundation member.

Valued contributor to both his clients and his profession

David’s concern to see the law profession well governed and steering in the right direction is demonstrated by his dedication as an elected member of seven of the Councils of Auckland District Law Society Inc., his significant contributions to the New Zealand Law Society Property Law Section, as an elected member of it’s Executive Committee for six years, with a further term of 3 years starting in 2018, and to the NZ Society of Notaries Inc, as an elected member of it’s Council for it’s first two years.

His involvement with these organisations include:

  • Appointed Member ADLS Inc Property Disputes Committee 1988 and 2006-2014
  • Elected Member Council of ADLS Inc 2009-2012 and 2014-2016
  • Appointed Member NZLS Property Law Section Rural Transactions Committee 2005-2018
  • Elected Member NZLS Property Law Section Executive Committee 2010-2013 , 2014 -2017 and re-elected for 2018-2021
  • Elected Member NZ Society of Notaries Inc Council 2012-2014

Following recent elections, David has also been appointed as a member to the NZLS Auckland Branch Council (2018-2021), and as New Zealand’s only representative on the Australian and New Zealand College of Notaries Board of Governors (2018-2019).

David has also contributed to the Kamo, Whangarei and Northland communities in other ways including time as a Lion, and serving on the Committee of the Kamo Club, and his children’s School Committees.

David relishing his involvement with Rural Support

David has been involved in this worthwhile organisation since 2020 – as Trustee, Board Secretary and now as an Ag with Facilitator. He gets similar satisfaction as he did volunteering at RWC2011 and CWC2015 and still does as part of the Law Society`s Friends Panel.

Rural Support Trust provides free and confidential assistance to people in rural communities facing challenges like adverse weather events, financial strain, and mental health issues. The trust connects individuals and families with resources, offering guidance on farm management, financial advice, and personal well-being. It also plays a crucial role during crises, such as floods and droughts, by coordinating support and recovery efforts.

You can find out more about Rural Support on their website here https://www.rural-support.org.nz/

With a life

Outside work David enjoys his farm and is a lover of Land Rovers and other all wheel drive vehicles.

Photo Credits

David Lange By Archives New ZealandFlickr: David Lange, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link
Norman Kirk By Unidentified photographer – http://natlib.govt.nz/records/22885188, Public Domain, Link
James K Baxter – photo by Szilas in Dunedin – Own work, Public Domain, Link

Edgecumbe – By Archives New Zealand from New Zealand (Bay of Plenty Earthquake, 1987) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons